Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Review4: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

This time, I watched Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I had never watched this series (Indiana Jones). So, this time is the first time watching it for me. 

This story’s stage is Shanghai in 1935. At night club “Obi-Wan”, Willie Scott, who is a songstress, sang “Anything Goes”. There, Indiana who is an archeologist and adventurer had dealings with Lao Che who is a king of crimes in Shanghai. Indiana got a Buddhist mortuary tablet of Emperor Nurgaci who is an ancestor of Rao and exchanged with diamond. But Rao made him drink poison and tried to take back diamond. After their fighting over an antidote and the diamond and a riot of shooting, Indiana ran away with Willy and went to Shanghai Airport taking Short Round who is a Chinese boy. 

However, the airplane which was taken by them was Lao’s airplane. Two of pilots ran away by using parachutes when Indy and the others slept. Thanks that one of them noticed about that, they could get away from airplane and got onto a lifeboat. After that, they made an emergency landing. An old man saw that, the old man guided them to a village. At the village, villagers believed that they were saviors of legend . Fields at the village went to ruin. They heard that the people from Pancotto Palace took holy stones and children by force from the village’s elders. And he asked Indiana asked to take back the stone. At the next morning, they rode on elephants and went to Pancotto Palace. They got out of woods, entered the big palace and met prime minister.
At the palace, they met colonel of British army. The colonel said “Before first century, a group of believers of Kali were here.” The group entrapped the region into fear. At night, Indiana who came back to hisa bedroom was attacked by a professional killer. 
They found a secret passage at the back of a wall and entered it. In the passage, there were a lot of bugs and the bugs tried to pierce them. After that, they found a palace of the god of Kali.

The priest offered sacrifice. And then, many of believers prayed. After the formality, everyone was gone. After that, Indiana got closer to an altar, took three shining golden stones and put it into a bag. 
The priest said “There are five stones. Two of the stones were buried one hundred years ago. Now, children excavate the rest of the stones.” 

Indiana drank Kali’s blood and looked blank after that happened. Because of that, Shorty stimulated him by using a flame. Thanks to Shorty, Indiana could take back his sanity. Then, Indiana launched a counterattack. 

The movie was made about 30 years ago. I surprised about that! The movie made me so excited. I want to watch other series of Indiana Jones someday.

[480/12472 words]

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